My Odd Celebrity Crushes

August 1, 2008 at 4:39 pm | Posted in self awareness | 6 Comments

For completely inexplicable reasons, I have developed a few very minor crushes on older celebrities. And before anyone goes and gets their panties in a twist, by older, I mean about 15 years older than me or more. In one case more than 25 years. That’s double my age!                              

My most recent one would be Anthony Bourdain.  If you are a complete dork and watch the Travel Channel as I do, you may know him from his show, “No Reservations”. He is also an author and chef.  He is actually more than twice my age. He iswas a smoker- which I hate.  It shows on his teeth when he smiles.  He comes across as a somewhat “hard living”, snarky, sarcastic, and even pessimistic kind of guy. He is extremely tall and gangly- his arms look like toothpicks. Not my type at all. I suppose there is just some kind of a sex appeal about him that I am drawn to.  I really can not justify my crush on him, but there it is.


Next, we have the younger (though his hair does make him seem older than he is) Anderson Cooper.  He is such a dork. But a smart, politically savvy, dry humored one. The guy is, again, not my type at all, but every time I see him, I just think he is too CUTE.  And I just read his entry on wikipedia and apparently he used to work for the CIA. That only makes him even more hot in my eyes. Plus, the whole tragic life and family makes a girl want to cheer him up a little. Though he may be gay? There were some links that came up in my search for him on yahoo that I didn’t dare click on… He and he alone can get me to actually watch any type of political programming. 

Well, him and Jon Stewart. But he is funny, The Daily Show isn’t an actual new show (though more often than not I find it to be much more accurate than one!) so I don’t know if his show counts at all.  And Jon Stewart? Hottie. In my opinion, that is.

I think I may have discovered the common thread here. Very dry senses of humor. And over-usage of sarcasm. Could that possibly be it? Judging by who I married, maybe they ARE all my type. I may be in need of professional help here. I mean seriously? These guys are all in their 40’s and 50’s. I am 25. Don’t get me wrong- I have some crushes on men a little closer to my age, but these just aren’t men you think of when you talk about celebrity crushes. Sometimes I think I am an old Jewish woman trapped in a 25 year old’s  body.


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  1. That is great! I agree about Andy Cooper! He is so cute!

    I have a bunch of odd crushes and my husband just shakes his head. The oddest one has to be Billy Bob Thornton. But not Billy Bob as Slingblade…

  2. I love the Travel Channel, fellow dork! Anthony Bourdain’s show is one of my favs. I don’t know if he’s crush worthy, but I do love his writing style and love of exotic food.

  3. You bet! Anderson Cooper is the *only* reason to watch CNN.

    He’s not a dork… he’s just intelligent and really well-groomed — oh, gosh, you’re right. If he’s not gay, I could see why there would be some major man-crushes goin’ on there…

    Alas, I must wistfully check out that Wikipedia entry you mentioned. Thanks for a funny entry!

  4. I must be a dork too because I love watching “No Reservations”. I think Anthony is hysterical even in a snarky kind of way.

    Discovered your site through the guest post on Make and Takes.

  5. Yay! I am so glad there are so many dorks out there! Not only are we dorks, we aren’t afraid to admitt it! That’s the difference between us and everyone else. They’re dorks too- they just can’t admitt it!

  6. I think the reason older men are cuter is because they look more mature. That is right…LOOK more mature!

    My crushes:

    1.) Wolf Blitzer
    2.) Pierce Brosnan
    3.) Kevin Costner
    4.) Randy Travis
    5.) Okay…he’s not old, but Josh Turner! #1

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